A few of the children in my group who were not from our church were a bit reserved and shy at the beggining of the week. By Thursday, and mainly Friday, they opened up and were so much more reseptive of the things being taught them, more involved in the various activities and felt more free to ask questions.

During snack time the other leaders and I would ask the kids reveiw questions and memorize verses. On Friday I was sittting with all the kids in front of me as I questioned them on what we had learned in the past week here at VBS. I asked them "Was the earth made in six litteral days by God, or in billions and billions of years?" (Creation was our theme) Most everyone raised they're hand, but I asked one of the kids who was my shy one if she knew. She looked at me a said honestly, "I'm not sure." I went on to tell her what the bible says about it and that the earth was really made in six short days. But later after leaving, as I recounted all the events of the day, it was both humbling and sobbering to really see that there are those who do not know the truth of the bible. Or the Jesus who can save them. Iv'e grown up learning these things, and although I knew there were many who reject this truth, and choose instead the worlds thwarted theary, it reminded me into the relization that little children, innosent and ready to learn, are being taught by this world the veiws and doctrines of man rather than that of Jesus Christ. It made me relize all that much more how important and needed it is to proclaim the redemtive love of Christ, and the truth that comes from Him. So I thank all those at VBS that shined the light of Christ to these little ones. "So shall My word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 Planting seeds in the hearts of the children.
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